
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) - passerine bird, a relative of a raven. Crows size smaller than the size of a pigeon raven.

Colors are black with glossy sapphire (metallic purple). In the eyes of a man rook looks black in the eyes of another rook in the ultraviolet painted in many colors.
The legs are black.
Beak - strong, slender, whitish base bow.
It lays eggs in April to 4-5 highly elongated greenish-blue eggs with brown and yellow spotting. The dimensions of the egg 40x30 mm. The eggs are incubated for 20 days after hatching the young leave the nest after 30 days.
The young take care of both parents and provide them with food.
It lives in central Europe and Siberia. In Europe, the mackerel.
The rook nests are always gromadne, a dozen nests in one tree, and even a few dozen. Nest is built of sticks and twigs reinforced with clay and earth. Socket lining is dry grass and fur.
It feeds on beetle grubs, earthworms and mice, frogs, which won on the fields also eat the chicks and eggs of other birds or carrion. Sometimes in the autumn and winter destroys crops by eating seeds and sprouts cereals.
Because it destroys a lot of pest bird is considered to be useful.
Sociable bird fed with ceases to be timid.
Rook is intelligent and can even use the tools to do it.
Rook can live up to 19 years.
Creates a monogamous couples.